The next level in cat housing – customised for your space
EthiPet has created a patented range of cat housing solutions for vets, welfare organisations, catteries and groomers – basically, anyone who works with cats and wants to provide high quality care.
You'll have noticed that we don't say 'cages'. We don't say cages because we don't make cages. As anyone who understands cats knows, the traditional cage is very far from an ideal cat environment.
And that's been our mission – to create the most ideal environments for cats staying away from home.
But we haven't just designed housing solutions that work for cats. We custom build them to meet your needs too.
Which EthiPet product is right for you?
Luxury cat boarding
Purpose built modules in a range of sizes, configured for your space. Each Habitat is self-contained with a unique airflow/ventilation system that expels odours and virtually eliminates the spread of airborne disease.
Economy cat boarding
After seeing our Habitat system, some cat welfare organisations asked us for an option that offered similar benefits but at a lower price point. We came up with MiaoHaus – best in class basic accommodation.
Understanding cats
When you understand what motivates cats, you can create an environment that reduces stress. And anyone who works with cats knows how important that is.

EthiPet Habitat for luxury cat boarding
We'd been working with vets for a while, designing and creating general and specialised clinics, when we were asked to put our skills into creating cat boarding accommodation for a luxury cat hotel.
While we get excited about all of our projects, this one was particularly special because we're cat lovers ourselves! We were determined not just to meet the brief as far as our human client was concerned, we also wanted to create something we'd be happy for our cats to stay in.
Working with us
We know how stressful and all-consuming it can be setting up and running a small business. There are so many decisions to make and things to do every day that taking on a project like upgrading your cat facilities can seem too hard.
That's where we can help. We have decades of the right kind of experience and are known for providing intelligent, practical advice as well as executing projects on time, on budget and with minimal disruption. When you work with us, you get our undivided attention so you can get on with whatever else you need to do.

EthiPet MiaoHaus for 'basic' cat boarding
MiaoHaus is an economical cat boarding option. The modules are made from the same marine plastic as Habitat but the front doors and back panel are acrylic (available in different colours). They also have some of the same environmental enrichment features as Habitat including multiple levels, scratch panels and hooks for hanging toys. There's no installation necessary and you can link multiple MiaoHauses together via side openings.
Seal of approval
We're proud to announce that our Habitat (all sizes) and Hospital enclosures have been accredited 'Gold Standard >24 hrs for cages' as part of the 'cat friendly clinics' program by the International Society of Feline Medicine (ISFM). This means they meet (well actually, exceed) size criteria and have elements that allow cats to have some control over their environment.
EthiPet is a member of ISFM.

EthiPet Hospital for vet practices
No one wants to be in hospital less than a cat. Being away from home, being poked and prodded by (well meaning) strangers, the sounds and smell of dogs and other cats... it's all stressful. And that's not even taking into account the reason for being in the hospital in the first place.
Most cats cope, but a lot show their stress by not eating, altered blood parameters, reduced response to treatment and sometimes by lashing out at their carers. We were asked (or rather begged) to create hospital housing that might help the situation.